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Story about《Morning Glory forest / 森林里的牵牛花》
    2010 Year Japan and Korean TV < Morning Glory forest / 森林里的牵牛花 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Ito Atsushi / Kashii Yu / ARATA / Emoto / warm water ocean a /
    Storyline: original comic from April 2004 , began serialization in the April 2007 about the death row housing arranged as guards Naoki exposed to death without any fear of death row , the heart was shaken. More and killed their loved ones peer inmates on death row A full friendship , by the description of this friendship , began to explore whether the death penalty is necessary . In the play of rookie guards and Sichuan Naoki Ito Atsushi and Naoki has a deep yoke on death row Watase full by the first performance of the Japanese drama series ARATA interpretation of the private television station . Morita l , producer of the drama of the play is full of anticipation : "I hope you can create a film and television works about human nature than in the past , the more stirring works . Ito Atsushi talked about his role , said: " In this world there are many occupations, but this time I feel the least close to the feeling . " ARATA play a death row , said:" the role of life lost , I use my imagination to interpret constantly thinking , in the works . "
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