Index » European American TV » Now Playing European American TV A summary of the confused Heroes : Flame Sword / 糊涂英雄传:烈焰圣剑
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Story about《A summary of the confused Heroes : Flame Sword / 糊涂英雄传:烈焰圣剑》
    2009 Year European American TV < A summary of the confused Heroes : Flame Sword / 糊涂英雄传:烈焰圣剑 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Sean Maguire / Matt Lucas to /
    Storyline: confused the story of the Heroes of the Flame Sword British comedy guru Matt LucasLittle Britain and American comedy guru Sean MaguireMeet the Spartans together for the audience to bring a new comedy confused heroes : Flame sword , this drama is also the first time since the U.S. comedy channel Comedy Central TPR attempts to costume fantasy magic action to tell the story absurd comedy stories . Play the whole shot in Budapest, Hungary , beautiful scenery , pleasant scenery . The hero Krod MandoonSean Maguire , the son of the blacksmith and housewives , thin-skinned , no self-confidence , but he was able to achieve the legendary fate of the hero . Mecocian Empire and its evil the Archon DongalorMatt Lucas, one out of people the kind of actor you want to laugh the purposes of this tyranny, fish people , and even plan to release the ultimate destruction of weapons Eye of Gulga Grymna , people need a man to stand up for their regained freedom war Krod sleepwalk when taken for a ride .
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