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Story about《Philanthropists in the first quarter / 大慈善家第一季》
    2009 Year European American TV < Philanthropists in the first quarter / 大慈善家第一季 >
    Director: /
    Stars:James · Baofu / Jesse Martin /
    Storyline: TeddyRist is a billionaire, handsome , personable . Since son 's death , his heart would cast a shadow , I feel no love in life , so indulge yourself , chasing money, sex, power , a typical Playboy appearance . Teddy first business trip to Nigeria , it encountered a storm , Teddy, rescued a child , this sense of pride and a sense of accomplishment lingering in his heart . He found that helping others to make him feel really happy , and he soon decided to invest to charity to help those who need help . Only experienced the danger , Teddy, to feel really alive on the ground . He used his shrewd business sense, make money tricks and hypocritical liar battle of wits , and dealing with drug dealers and gang deal . In addition to helping others Teddy would also like to bid farewell to the past fallen , wash the soul to recover.
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