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Story about《Ultimate match / 终极匹配》
    2010 Year Love movie < Ultimate match / 终极匹配 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Daniel Chan / Pace / Meng Guangmei /

    evening into a the sleep hangover in old pulled the telephone awakened. this owl is also thought to who early in the morning stir his dreams. Old KMT turned to his friend a phone call asking him a girl last night, the old pull the chaos of brain flashed a bunch of screen, all situations in nightclubs with different women play, but not his favorite women, the results he is alone and go. Old KMT said tonight the party, he must participate.

    the middle of the night, the old drag rolled wherever he goes in the club to continue with the old KMT, some funny adventure after they failed to succeed, the old drag grumble. Old KMT were his girlfriend Ling Ting pulling back, leaving a lonely old drag.

    the following morning, do not have time to work the old drag still sleeping, and suddenly his boss Tian Xingjian told his company in a hurry, he hurried to the company. The front of the company, he was to come to candidates Li Yue knocked to the ground, and hit his head. The hapless old pulled too late to complain, but dropped the phone has come to discuss cooperation projects in the female boss had used the rhyme of the wheels rolling flat. Early suffered such a blow, old pulled a bad mood. Fortunately, the arrival of the mining rhyme is good news. Did not think she was going to a rival company, Kin-brother to her shares higher, so she turned to pull with the old companies, Moreover I collected rhyme is a very attractive mature women, leaving the old drag mining rhyme look in his eyes.

    old drag

    do not understand the health brother Why the high prices and mining companies Yun Kin brother to him tells the whole story, because the financial crisis has affected the company's top officers in the streamlining of health brother Costly, be sure To win this project, so that the wave of this wave of financial crisis in the initiative. Old drag certainly assisted us in order to our parents can afford the years of care in health brother En ... Source: Global Century Online,

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