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Story about《Two Tigers / 美丽的暗杀者》
    2007 Year Singapore Malaysia Thailand TV < Two Tigers / 美丽的暗杀者 >
    Director:Sandro Cecca /
    Stars:Selena Khoo / Jay Natelle / Andrea Osvárt / Olivier Pagès / Matt Patresi /
    Storyline:A female hired killer arrives in China to complete a job. She ends up befriending her prostitute neighbor who she also ends up getting hire to kill. The mob and police end up chasing both of them as the action unfolds.
           This action story takes place in Shanghai, China where Gilda, a stunning blonde 'femme Nikita' is commissioned to take out an important Lebanese official. As a professional killer, her real identity is kept secret. Her boss has arranged a new name and profession for her in Shanghai as the new manager of an information technology company. She takes up residence in a beautiful condo where she gets to know her neighbor, Lin, a beautiful Chinese girl who turn out to be a high-class call girl. Their friendship develops as they help one another along the way as they are betrayed by their hearts for men who turn out to be scoundrels. The drama propels into a highly emotional and senitive story about two women who are independent and ferocious in guarding affair of their heart, even though their individual jobs lead many to believe that they are only cold-blooded and materialistic. Experts in martial arts and in art of lovemaking, both women's lives are woven together in a fatal collision ...
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