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Story about《Monga / 艋舺》
    0 Year Action movie < Monga / 艋舺 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Ethan / Zhao Ting / phoenix small mountain /

    ,,, mosquito turn into the first day of this third- vocational, lunch boxes, his favorite bird chicken was snatched by the paparazzi child, mosquitoes do not know where the courage to snatch away the Okanagan chicken, a gate mouth to the riverbank

    chase begins. Prince to help four people to see the mosquitoes like the the loach dodge seeing them skill, music, decided to accept him into help.
    The next day, led by Zhi-Long got mosquitoes in the top floor of the school, will be chasing paparazzi girls and sports classes iron people sacrifice to the mosquito, let him avenge a cool. "Today you do not kill them, one day you will be

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    they kill! Monk phrase firm, his face bloodied swollen with a black eye of the mosquito, towards which an iron man struggling to hit the boxing life an active attack. Then, he joined the Prince to help, ride

    into the underworld.
    The monk tells Wanhua history, education mosquitoes , the mosquitoes like to step into the Grand View Garden, the vision to carry out the vast world. Monk sent him home, threw him a will glow in the dark yo-yo, his chest suddenly

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    become warm, the original of this feeling is called friendship. "Is the meaning of the three small? I have only heard of loyalty, never heard of significance! "White monkey, then cool, is simply invincible truth. All this, like LSD - drugs, so that

    mosquito addiction .
    Small condensate, is another addictive thing. Small condensate is a synthesis of beauty and ugliness, the beauty of her left cheek like an angel, you can right cheek was a palm green birthmark plate that, according to forward. He asked that the condensate "Why are you

    do prostitutes? Small condensate to be outdone back to him" Why do you do brother? Next door came the embarrassing fight the guns, he had to come up with the Walkman, and condensate a headset, a total of listening to a song a day


    small condensate which became his secluded not care what he often wants to look at this primary school students, that little girl with a birthmark, he will not remember correctly.
    In the riotings hatred must offer every day, the Prince help five people committed irreparable monstrous wrong kind of monks, top it all, so playing in the Chi Long's father (the entrance to the temple boss Geta) have

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    only Half-Life. Monk after returning from injury, Geta sent five people up the mountain martial arts is to punish, but also exercise, they understand it is hard rely fist, must not touch the gun, this evil from the West.
    Down day in the spa restaurant dinner, mosquitoes unexpectedly met the provinces hung young school Bangzhu gray wolves to and Monga boss to talk about cooperation program, his mother's former lover. Monk aware of mosquitoes


    , as well as the feasts of the surging undercurrent.
    Geta refused to hang cooperation with other provinces, caused the Monga other corner of the posterior wall of the house members Wenqian dissatisfaction, Wenqian persuade the gray wolf, this board into, must be the entrance to the temple, or can not settle by the entrance to the temple, led by

    an angle of more than a dozen head. Monga First shot, the posterior wall of the house boss masa died, the entire the Wanhua underworld therefore produce violent shaking, the Prince is involved in the conspiracy waves of the world around him to help the friendship of five


    is, the I do not know the fate will take them where to go.

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