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Story about《The town of fog Liu / 雾柳镇》
    2009 Year Chinese TV < The town of fog Liu / 雾柳镇 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Guoqiang / / Li Yu / Zhang Guang North /
    Storyline: Liu Kee food stores boss's son Liu Yunxuan, grab money from home funding to the provincial capital to participate in the student movement Zhao warlord arrested. On the execution ground, Liu town Tyrant Liu Ye wife rescued Liu Yunxuan warlord Zhao took the opportunity to devour 5,000 ocean Liu Ye to buy firearms. Liu Ye lost a huge sum of money, human life balance bring Liu family, Liu Courtyard Liu Yunxuan helpless to do retainers. Zhao warlord in the theater listening to the singing stage star basil. Liu Ye came to want to go back to the ocean. Who would have thought riding the white wind Village of Tong King rushed into the theater, facing the Zhao warlord walk away and shot. Chaos, Liu Yunxuan cover your Liu Ye to flee, and opportunistic shot and killed Zhao warlord. The Liu Yunxuan The move shocked Liu Ye, Liu Ye let him do the adviser of Liu Courtyard. Liu Yunxuan compliance with the life of Liu Ye grab basil. Death fight, basil do not want to do concubine Liu God. Liu Yunxuan to persuade her for the time being accept their fate. Escorting the road, Tong King snatched the basil. Liu Ye to each male to play the White Wind Village in the town. The Liu Yunxuan recapture basil in order to prevent the town's people to die in order to offset the overhead costs of the 5000 Ocean conditions to determine a person armed with the white wind Village. In the white wind Village, Liu Yunxuan Tong King-set pass Hall ceremony seriously wounded. Basil impact on the meaning of reverence. The Tang Jingpei service the Liu Yunxuan intellect and spirit of the fear of death, hope Liu Yunxuan to do his military advisor. Liu Yunxuan also buckle the lives of their families in the grounds of the hands of Liu Ye, rejected the Tong King. Liu Yunxuan home and recuperate, Liu parent expect him home to operate Liu remember food stores, big wife wanted him to Liu Courtyard. Liu Ye also send folks scared to demonstrations in food stores in front of the shot. The Liu Yunxuan feel match Liu Ye do things have to return to the Grand Courtyard of Liu as Liu Ye. Liu Yunxuan's sister red to see the true capacity, Liu Ye, broke into the bath, see Liu Ye is bath. Liu Ye retainers black dog to send a mink coat to the red. Hot day, red wearing a mink coat to the street showing off, begging the shocked baby to help Liu Yunxuan to grab the coat back, and beaten up by black dog. Lenz baby So when Liu remember food stores folks. The Liu Yunxuan big wife said Liu Ye spotted red, Liu Ye let the red. Big wife let the black dog to return to the mink coat, you want to Liu Ye off the idea for red. Red doing when the dream of the concubine, and broke into Liu Courtyard find Liu Ye to return to the mink coat, but Mrs. beaten black and blue. The black dog wants to marry a red wife, was the Liu Yunxuan refused. Liu Ye to ask for help to fight Tong King. Tong King Liu Yunxuan passing messages, half-Road took away the ocean and troops of Liu Ye. The Liu God of life Liu Yunxuan then break the white wind Walled rescue the detained person. Later, Liu Ye designed the assassination of Tong King. Tong King mistaken for Liu Yunxuan are. Basil suffered the torture of Liu Ye, Liu Yunxuan she left Liu Courtyard, Liu Yunxuan helpless. The big wife aware of a in Liu Yunxuan and basil ambiguous. Liu Ye can not have children. The big wife to seek medical treatment to Liu Ye. Liu Ye thought to have future generations of the Liu Family Courtyard. Large Mrs. basil Liu Ye born a posterity. Implied in the big wife, basil quietly to Liu Yunxuan dragged into the room. Housekeeper found of Liu Yunxuan basil affair, this matter has informed his wife, his wife said it was the housekeeper seeing things. The basil pregnancy, Liu Yunxuan pulsing with happiness. Can be large wife said that the child is Liu Ye, and let the town people know that Liu Courtyard With future generations. Liu Ye aware of basil and Liu Yunxuan affair, they tortured basil. The butler waiting in the wings to the information of a child is Liu Yunxuan of. Unexpectedly, Liu Ye finds that the child is. In retaliation for Liuyun Xuan, Liu Ye wantonly playing with red. The Liu Yunxuan broke Liu Ye's house to kill Liu Ye, but got into the trap of Liu Ye ...
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