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Story about《The first quarter of very 90 / 非常90后第一季》
    2012 Year Chinese TV < The first quarter of very 90 / 非常90后第一季 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Peng Yu / Liang / Hoang Chi Trung / Huang Xiaolei /
    Storyline: in the end , after 90 girls off the dough every day Parkour training ground to sway the youth the vitality of the date of her birthday , the father as Interpol captain off Chhnang agreed personally to do a big meal , she witnessed the heroic death of his father in the process of rounding up fugitives , her extremely shocking . that he was almost the father 's sacrifice . Interpol captain off Chhnang 80 female apprentice Jiangnan has been admiration for the master , but because of master 's wife three years ago a car accident paralyzed in bed and clever daughter 's love is too deep , love has been quietly buried in the heart . Off Chhnang sacrifice scene , Jiangnan and off softly Dunsheng dirty , both sides left a deep misunderstanding .
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