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Story about《Special mission / 特殊使命》
    2007 Year Chinese TV < Special mission / 特殊使命 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Li Guangjie / Jiang Xiaohan / Zhang Jing / Liu Xiaohai / Zhou Yang / Hu Yajie / Yao Anlian / Ni Tu / Xu Xiyan / Bao Beier / Ma Wenzhong /

    During the ten years of civil war, the Communist Party of China Beijing underground party members Gong Weiping ordered the development of Party organizations in Chahar anti-Japanese allied army all independent battalion. Because a traitor sold, 25 development object identified by Gong Weiping were arrested and ordered the hanging line. Gong Weiping alone "surrender" in exchange for trying to save the lives of 25 officers and men, but wrong in the EC. Yu Xueyao because like Gong Wei-ping to his elder brother -- as the deputy director of the Yu in Qinzhai -- for release Gong Wei-ping, Yu Qinzhai to soothe and Gong Weiping agreed to the request of his sister, and designed a series of traps.
    At this time, Gong Weiping also accepted a higher level secret instructions code-named Comrade candlelight, make it into the Kuomintang Zhongtong spy organization. To accomplish this special mission, Gong Weiping had to and deeply in love with his girlfriend, and married couples and Yu Xueyao. Soon however, candlelight comrades at the expense of an accident, Gong Wei-ping and the party lost contact, but was ordered to enter the middle of this task will become known to others is no longer a secret. Faced with this reality, Gong Weiping put one's foot down to select a most difficult, tortuous and painful life, and renamed Gong to light, in order to clear the mind.
    He used the wedding night, wit the traitor to eradicate the underground, and exploits in battle with the Japanese spy neutral under. I know he is still Qinzhai "at the heart in the Han", so the design of forced the fan, so that Gong Xiangguang in the party organization's eyes turned traitor. Gong to light hardly wished to live., but wash unrighted wrong, to complete a secret mission, he alone swallow humiliation and bear a heavy load, contribute to the party silently.



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