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Story about《Our team to the sun / 我们队伍向太阳》
    2009 Year Chinese TV < Our team to the sun / 我们队伍向太阳 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Guoqiang / Wang Yajie / Chen purple letter / Wang Yuan can /
    Storyline: drama " our team to the sun " for the first time the lens pointed at the early days of the south southwest of the mission requisitions this The Duan history . As a fieldwork investigation chief of Zheng Da , who accidentally placed in the South Trades any squad vice captain and captain Fu by management , the radius of female leaders , students Joe Shu , fled the Kuomintang generals of the female and not male meet, they study and work , during the mission , a series of intertwined emotional story , which opened a specific historical context of the epic picture of the fate of the characters . The drama seeks to charismatic and human power, released by the Zheng Da Fu by management , blueprints, Joe can be comfortable , not men and other characters who genuinely authentic revolutionary soldier of that era grow, mature, of course , to show to the nation in order to Republic at all , the courage dedication and self-sacrificing spirit of the mighty force . This spirit, the great of humanity , justice , is the sublimation of the national collective character , is a source of strength of this people's army , but also the predecessors who laid the foundation stone of our republic 's most admired quality !
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