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Story about《First speed / 第一速度》
    2009 Year Chinese TV < First speed / 第一速度 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Zhang Zijian / Wang camphor /
    Storyline: story of the first speed in multi - province junction of Taiping City , law and order is very complicated , provinces bull management have resulted in vulnerability to frequent a large influx of foreign drug evil forces is rampant , the Taihei City become a criminal gang to breed and spread hotbed . Early appointed Secretary Guan Su Shan to crack down on criminal forces , preparing to set up a special operations team speed , and his mentor is also the deputy director of the square of Heaven divided the first speed " from the city the country, formed the elite of the police re-deployed because of their different personalities , work in all kinds of contradictions , but at the time of action in the fight against crime , they gradually became aware of the importance of responsibility , the head of Qi Hao South led the whole group uncovered together again with the major long-suffering , and finally to the Thailand level city public security conditions have improved , the people on the Pacific .
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