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Story about《Pigeon whistle / 鸽子哨》
    2009 Year Chinese TV < Pigeon whistle / 鸽子哨 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Qin Hailu / money wave / Li Bin / king spot /
    Storyline: an earthquake in 1976 , Young Mother and m teacher forged a rancor , the two vow exchanges . Young Mother of the son of Yang Yanping and m 's daughter m Xiaoju a good friend since childhood . Yang Yanping back from Heilongjiang and found that queue jumping back from Shanxi Xiaoju tacky let Yanping can not accept , the duo broke up . Since then, Xiaoju strenuously to rely on their own strength to live a good , Xiaoju and children in our hospital business more prosperous . No results Xiaoju marriage and Yanping son Xiaoshu m teacher computer and fell in love with Young Aunt 's daughter Yanhong . Xiaoshu hard in Zhongguancun , made ​​his mark in the computer industry . Xiaoju because a futures business to fail and go bankrupt , children have to pay with their lives , Xiaoju into the prison . However, all this , Yanping a better understanding of Xiaoju . Few years later, Yanping received from prison Xiaoju start again from scratch , a better future awaits them .
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