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Story about《Prosecutors Notes / 检察官手记》
    2005 Year Chinese TV < Prosecutors Notes / 检察官手记 >
    Director: /
    Stars:the Qiang / Pan military /
    Storyline: mountains in a male was brutally gunned down , police officer Zhao Zhiguo , like a stolen pistol and five rounds of ammunition miracle , industrial and commercial savings bank was robbed . Edge cases , but not the same person as . The Interpol Bing , who quickly organized investigation team Zhenpomingan . When the case is under investigation , another couple in the park mountains both killed . The face of major cases , the police could not find any clues , criminals are extremely cunning , cruel methods of crime is superb , do not leave any clues . Are helpless , Qingfeng Park hotel manager because $ 300 $ 700 stolen, report to Interpol team . Interpol Bing aware, and not miss any clues , Qingfeng Park staff cross-examination , looking for clues to criminals . Zhang Yong Jie Qingfeng Park 's chef , living in the bottom of society , their parents are blind , wife laid off, the whole family thanks to him to maintain , in the face of a harsh manager chapter feel that life is no way out , so in their own small courtyard firewood room , he built his own fortune arsenal , a filial son, due diligence gentle husband of but one step toward the criminal origin . Lu peak Qingfeng Park employees , life distress, very close to private friendship with Zhang Yong Jie , the chapter 's instigation , the two embarked on a robbery, the murderers of no return . A pile of murder , you're done Lu chapter two is more rampant , the afternoon of the two lurking in a military warehouse , want to grab sentry micro red . With a gunshot , the sentry to make a living lying on the ground , two mobile phone remote control is easy to get micro-impulse, drove to abscond . Justice Bing Interpol repairing the war Road , privately has found an important clue , several twists and turns , and finally far escaped out of the land chapter two brought to justice .
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