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Story about《Tianshan emergency dispatch / 天山紧急出动》
    0 Year Chinese TV < Tianshan emergency dispatch / 天山紧急出动 >
    Director: /
    Stars:als Lang / Palizhadi /
    Storyline: in a blocks out the sun shrouded dust storms, a few notorious felons in a prison in the southern border the opportunity to play hurt me policemen escaped fled. Of them would say that the two languages ​​of Uygur and Han, insidious "both sides" Ma Wande; fled to cross the border from sworn police officers and sworn potato and egg "; have surly cruel, revenge killing former firearms work" Heiwa "; there are naturally aggressive, greedy and extremely bank robbery main culprit Buck. And hidden in the dark corner of society, murderers, robbers, arms manufacturing smugglers and manipulated by foreign hostile forces of terror led by Bannerman violent syndicates, working hand in glove, collusion; manufacture buy robbery of firearms, self-made soil bombs; The unbridled for mad for the bank robbery charge banknote car; the attack revenge the patriotic liberal religious people; opportunistic bombing of policemen and public security police cars; banditry, daring, unscrupulous, gradually develop into criminal gangs with political overtones with the desire publicly hostile to the Mafia . They are like snakes nest of the hole, go venom scattered endless troubles.
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