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Story about《Hancock / 全民超人》
    2008 Year Comedy movie < Hancock / 全民超人 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Will Smith / Charlize Theron / Jason Bateman /
    Storyline: person of rank or grade, Superman is no exception, there is beauty and talent the perfect type of the queen, the tycoons of the right type of fiscal Mao rinse dishes appearance fists (long shriveled eggplant gentile, alone, a pair of fist to conquer the world), brawny type. If we hard to engage in a superhero Billboard, it is estimated that the appearance in the film Superman Han Dynasty Hancock ranked fifth from the bottom, while the top four will be Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Latin America Feier and Einstein ... We are grateful to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles team! Hancock is a superman, but he was very depressed. Think about is, Superman can how you? Could fly, he sorted airliner loaded how; strength, he can wear a helmet to talk to migrant workers fight for a job.; To play, he can follow bin Laden to go when the terrorists? Will not work. Han Dynasty Hancock Superman, we can only choose to Superman - The promising career, his work around the clock getting rid of, and uphold justice. He can not rest, can not be lazy, not drunk, the place of the bad guys must have a Hancock (How to listen to these words so awkward.) In short, run into problems, if Hancock does not do it, he is considered to be a coward, we should have been contempt of all the people, including children. Described as "born great, living Biequ"! Superman only the use of high-profile action to give vent to her distress: the face of the the absconding Maozei by several coaster, Hancock fell from the sky, car brakes with both feet, then both man and handlebar bandits hanging in the building, steeple, left The police car chain collision severely damaged the road and "rescue" the wrong task; the face of a whale stranded on the beach, Hancock came rapidly in people's stunned whale thrown into the sea, the results of a whale impartially hit a sailboat on the parabola in the air became its last life trajectory; the face of the car stuck in the tracks in the thrilling, Hancock timely manner, throwing away the car, but his aim seems to is the out Orbital Space and trains "duel" When everything died down, people see distorted locomotives and Han Kao grams of the more twisted smile ... his insolent, wanton and destructive people both scared and afraid There is a growing hate this to stir up trouble "rough"! Hancock paid the price for their reckless charges of harming innocent people and damage property, the Court sent him to prison. A series of things that make Hancock to start thinking about their own capabilities and responsibilities, public relations manager Raymond decided to help Hancock to re-establish a new healthy public image. Surprisingly, Ray's wife Mary is also a Superman, her for Hancock behavior has been very disdain, and even tried to prevent her husband from Hancock. Hancock own super powers will be weakened, with Mary, a group has been the Hancock criminals sent to prison began insidious retaliation. Exciting tidbits ------ --------------------------------- * The film was initially not called "Hancock Hancock", but "He came in tonight." This script once in Hollywood, was removed over 10 years, until the last was only Huiyanshizhu, and finally the implementation of the shooting. Warner Brothers had originally intended to shoot this film, but later gave up this opportunity, Sony immediately took over, and quickly create the film. · Movie scene on the train collision in Canada, San Pedro shooting. Crew cooperation with the Pacific, the Harbor Line, has been transformed on the SD18 diesel front, only to become a film props look like.
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