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Story about《Kung Fu Boy / 功夫宝贝》
    2008 Year Chinese TV < Kung Fu Boy / 功夫宝贝 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Gordon Liu / Mountain / Gao Xu / Wu Ma /
    Storyline:"Kung Fu Baby " tells the story in order to make money to see a doctor to the grandfather , the grandmother took the cub came to Shenzhen , indeed encounter to robbery, did not expect two of the robbers was gained on the uniform , happened to be a female reporter meme met , so this Zusun Liang became interested , and help the gained solve school problems . Gained grandmother cleaning job at a martial arts free martial arts - loving gained very envious to see children practicing taekwondo . Whenever the students after school , gained a practice in the martial arts . Wang coaches saw it, and income gained as an apprentice . King of the coach's son , Wang side also taekwondo tube study, for the cub is not satisfied , they began to contest , gained victory . Inadvertently encountered meme years in the martial arts of their own long-lost father , Liu Lu , the original Liu Lu is a master of the king coach after the contest with the cub , Liu Lu gained culture seedling , resolutely decided to will be gained to Hong Kong for training. Meme with his father to recognize , when we parted, meme asked his father to find his mother .
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