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Story about《Junior Chi Master / Tai-chi Master / martial arts Chi Master / 少年张三丰/太极张三丰/武侠张三丰》
    2002 Year Chinese TV < Junior Chi Master / Tai-chi Master / martial arts Chi Master / 少年张三丰/太极张三丰/武侠张三丰 >
    Director: /
    Stars:of Dicky / Lu Lu /
    Storyline: Chi Master, formerly known as Zhang Junbao was brought up by their parents to the breeze view of practice. ...
    Southern Song Dynasty, this comes at surging, Yue Fei led his army to the Northern Expedition, the Jiangnan volunteer army rallied together to respond. The Jianxiang Qin Hui for their own self-interest, framed Yue Fei, to incite the emperor to recall Yue Fei twelve medals. ...
    The Jiangnan volunteer army Discovery plot of Qin Hui, trying to rescue Yue Fei, held in the Wushu World Congress, elected chief, Zhang Junbao most timely. Volunteers to follow the leadership of the Wulin Shi family swordsmith Villa. The elected swordsmith Hill Junior Pu Yi Following the wind for the chief. But it is easy following the powers of the wind far less than has long been shut out day, easy day trip is no intention in the chief martial arts, but hit it off and the king of treasure, become best friends. Suddenly a young the Woman Qin Sirong proposed is easy following the wind challenges under the two test of the chief martial arts, easily following the wind was hit by thinking capacity attracted, day trip because she resembled his former lover and eyebrows.

    Original Qinsi Rong to Jianxiang Qin Hui's daughter to do undercover to sneak into the Rebel ranks, the volunteer army by ambush the Qin Sirong leak news, Yue Fei is the end die a martyr in the storm Pavilion. Jun Bao was the Yue Fei relic inadvertently the Jianxiang Qin Hui sent a killer to kill Jun Bao to get the relics of Yue Fei.

    Jun Po's father, concubinage, Jun Bao drink wedding, the bride was 16-year-old girl, called Ming Hung, Jun Bao afraid to father a big mistake, and took away the bride, her home. Along the way, Jun Bao invention Road Red is a failing to ask God to divination, tough girl, Ming Hung Jun Bao, but then produce feelings.

    Jun Bao's father to catch up to, on the occasion of the Father and of the Son and of the dispute, Qin Hui minions suddenly appeared, the siege of Zhang and his son, was killed to save the Jun Bao, Zhang parent. Qin Hui minions, but rumors of the dead, said Jun Po is the inverse of the patricide, instigating martial arts who kill.

    Jun Bao escape kill of made friends with a dull monk masters of the cloudless sky, cloudless sky Jun treasures in the Shaolin Temple and teach Junbao profound martial. Easy following the wind claw was the Qin Hui instigation, to mobilize people to Shaolin Temple to find on Jun Bao, Jun-bao to come forward, the victory is easy, following the wind made her famous. Jun Bao Yue Fei testament to easy following the wind to say, could be found and the Song princess living on the North, as the call will be able to eradicate Jianxiang Xingbing Northern Expedition.

    Easy to help solve the problem, following the wind was the easy day trip, the skill of great progress, go north to find the princess, girls Chao Erh chance encounter in the desert, they produce feelings.

    Jun Bao continue to work with Qin Hui minions struggle, fighting in the Ming Hung died to save Junbao Junbao heartbroken. Jun Bao around undercover the Qin Sirong, soon fell in love, fall in love with Jun Po, and regret for their actions.

    Easy, easy day trip with the help of following the wind finally found the Song princess, princess living folk long time, has become a bitch, always bully Yi Following the wind the Erh angrily, to kill the princess, and easy following the wind deliberations posing Song Princess, the leadership of the Rebel. Two people to cover up the secret to kill a lot of righteous people, unable to extricate themselves, the gradual use of the Qin Hui. Jun Po slightly aware of ... the brother movie

    Is to get rid of the Jun Bao Qin Hui minions secretly poison, Jun Bao loss of memory, Credit goes to the rescue of the cloudless sky master, Jun Bao not only to recover and realize the Tai Chi martial art, martial arts and the upper floor. Jun Bao and easy day trip together, to overcome the Qin Hui minions the Qin Sirong also repented, but her deep feeling that they are doing I'm sorry Junbao quietly away. Jun Bao thousands of miles going there and found that the thinking capacity has become a monk in the Emei Mountain on the future and create the Emei school.

    Jun Bao returned to Wudang Mountain, renamed Chi Master, creating the Wudang school to become a great master.
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