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Story about《Men 's college students, the daily / 男子高校生的日常》
    2012 Year cartoon movie < Men 's college students, the daily / 男子高校生的日常 >
    Director: /
    Stars: /
    Storyline: men 's college students, day-to-day Thailand extended creative funny cartoonist Hill to work , as the name implies , this is a story about a men 's university students' daily the story of the works . Boys - only school , boys living in the end what is it ? The works will show girls , boys will make any stupid things, say silly things . The story of the boys' school Sanada North universities as a stage actor Tadakuni , and his two buddies Tabata show and Tian Zhongji bamboo as the core, the boys parody of paranoia humor, presented in front of everyone . Humor for each if there is no " normal" so exaggerated , but the jokes which sometimes really make we can not help but laugh . The selling point to this as one is seemingly ordinary but in real terms is very attract the seiyuu lineup : into the wild freedom of Sugita and , bell village health , Higasa positive child , you wood Pitt , Namikawa Daisuke Kobayashi excellent and Saito, one thousand and etc. .
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