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Story about《Secret train / 秘密列车》
    2009 Year Chinese TV < Secret train / 秘密列车 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Zhou Jie / Liu Yun / Wang Yajie / Yu Yang / Chia translation / horse less Hua / Shi Jingming /
    Storyline: In the 1950s , due to the development of changes in domestic and international situation , China autonomous The nuclear industry plan is in full swing in progress. In this context , a mysterious train to and from the capital city of Beijing and Northwest nuclear sites among assume a series of secret missions to the movement of nuclear experts to the nuclear base . Beijing Municipal Public Security Secret Service , director of Fei to enter to escort nuclear experts Action Group and served as the first person in charge of the transport task , the sight of the beautiful stewardess Xinhong Yu Fei a saw , however, four nuclear experts on the train the nation's nuclear weapons R & D critical to the overall program , Tappi great responsibility , not the slightest slack . Fei on the train to find the suspect and arrest the destruction of the transport of nuclear experts task , Fei band hurries to in Tushen the parcel when it encountered the front of mouth train on the tracks , only to train exploded four nuclear experts die on the spot .
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