Index » Japan and Korean TV » Now Playing Japan and Korean TV Color of Women / Kulreo Obeu Woomun / 컬러 오브 우먼 / 女人的色彩
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Story about《Color of Women / Kulreo Obeu Woomun / 컬러 오브 우먼 / 女人的色彩》
    2011 Year Japan and Korean TV < Color of Women / Kulreo Obeu Woomun / 컬러 오브 우먼 / 女人的色彩 >
    Director:Kim Soo-Young /
    Stars:Yoon So-Yi / Lee Soo-Kyung / Jae Hee / Shim Ji-Ho / Park Keun-Hyeong / Jeon Su-Kyeong / Kim Byeong-Se / Sung Dong-Il / Ahn Sun-Young / Lee Ah-Hyun / Lee Hyun-Jae / Ji Yoo / Park Sang-Myeon / Kim Joo-Young /

    A drama that contrasts a woman who succeeds with knowledge and reason and a woman who weaponizes appearance and sensitivity.

    Byun So Ra comes from an ordinary background, but she works very hard. She is then betrayed by her boyfriend and her dreams of becoming a professor fails. Byun So-Ra then joins a cosmetics company and she also meets a rival with whom she clashes in this cosmetics company.

    Jae Hee will play the leading man, Yoon Joon Soo. His character is a good looking, smart, and talented chaebol, as he's the head of this cosmetics company.

    So-Ra (Yoon So-Yi) comes from an ordinary background, but she works very hard. She is then betrayed by her boyfriend and her dreams of becoming a professor fails. Byun So-Ra then joins a cosmetics company ...

    So-Ra despises women who focuses only on their looks. She came out on top academically from elementary school all the way up to graduate school, but she hasn't had much luck with personal relationships. So-Ra tries to do everything for her boyfriend, including writing his thesis paper, but she catches him cheating on her with her friend Jin-Joo (Lee Soo-Kyung). So-Ra is filled with anger, thinking back to the time her boyfriend said he doesn't want to have sex with her, but he does with Jin-Joo. Those words brings back memories of a past experience. So-Ra becomes even angrier and starts to throw things at them, with her boyfriend covering up Jin-Joo to protect her. So-Ra leaves her boyfriend's apartment and Jin-Joo follows her. Jin-Joo explains that when she asked her boyfriend if he was in a relationship with So-Ra he replied they were just friends. Jin-Joo asks if they have had sex and So-Ra replies that it's none of her business. Jin-Joo criticizes So-Ra's attitude towards men. Jin-Joo tells So-Ra that she seems to have someone else on her mind and is pretending to love her current boyfriend.

    So-Ra works as an instructor at a prestigious university. Due to her personal beliefs, she reports on a professor who has embezzled money from the university. Incredibly, So-Ra is the one who gets fired. So-Ra now tries to overcome the break up with her boyfriend and the loss of her job.

    So-Ra meets her male friend Chan-Jin (Shim Ji-Ho), who works at a cosmetics company, at a cafe. In the past, So-Ra helped Chan-Jin get a promotion by writing a report for him. Chan-Jin attempts to comfort So-Ra. So-Ra suddenly announces that she will work at the cosmetics company and will work hard to be successful. She takes an interview from the company and is able to pass by the information she gleaned from writing Chan-Jin's report.

    Meanwhile So-Ra asks Jin-Joo to leave her apartment. Jin-Joo, who works infrequently as a model, has nowhere to go. Jin-Joo begs to stay at her apartment. So-Ra is determined to kick Jin-Joo out. Jin-Joo's phone suddenly rings and she answers it. So-Ra, under the wrong assumption that it is her ex-boyfriend calling Jin-Joo, takes the cellphone from Jin-Joo and blurts out things on the phone. To So-Ra's horror the person on the other end is Jin-Joo's father. Because of this mistake, So-Ra allows Jin-Joo to stay for another week.

    On the first day of work at the cosmetics company, So-Ra has difficulties with a colleague who appears to dislike her. While carrying a box at work she spots Joon-Soo (Jae Hee) who graduated from same university as her. So-Ra feeling uncomfortable tries to get away, but Joon-Soo blocks her and talks to her.

    Later that night, Chan-Jin visit's So-Ra's apartment to have dinner even though he wasn't invited. Chan-Jin meets Jin-Joo. They all end up going to a cafe together. At that cafe, Chan-Jin receives a phone call and leaves. So-Ra and Jin-Joo begin to drink more alcohol. Chan-Jin then brings Joon-Soo to the cafe. Both of the women are drunk by this time. Jin-Joo quickly forms a crush on Joon-Soo and she hears that Joon-Soo is the successor to the company she starts to like him even more.

    The next day at work, So-Ra left behind at home an apartment USB stick. Jin-Joo comes over to the cosmetics company to deliver the USB stick. At this time, a model failed to show up for work. The model was to introduce products to high ranking employees at the cosmetics company. Jin-Joo is quickly asked to fill in for her. When Jin-Joo appears in front of the executives she makes eye contact with Joon-Soo. After the modeling session, Jin-Joo bumps into a handsome man who asks her where he can submit a resume for a secretarial position. Jin-Joo says she doesn't know, but they should go find out together.

    During this time, So-Ra works in a office alone. Suddenly, she remembers where from her past she remembered a man telling her that he didn't want to have sex with her. That man is Joon-Soo. The next day, So-Ra sees Jin-Joo in the lobby of her workplace. Jin-Joo tells So-Ra that she submitted a resume for a secretarial position and she's here to take an interview. So-Ra waits for Jin-Joo to get out of the interview, because So-Ra wants Jin-Joo's help in getting revenge on her ex-boyfriend. Jin-Joo helps So-Ra put on makeup and pick out a dress to wear. So-Ra then goes to a restaurant where her ex-boyfriend is meeting another woman. So-Ra pours a foul smelling chemical on his head and leaves.

    When So-Ra and Jin-Joo return to their apartment, they find Joon-Soo waiting for them. Joon-Soo asks So-Ra to go with him and he needs to talk to her. After they leave, Jin-Joon catches a taxi and follows them. In Joon-Soo's car, as they drive, Joon-Soo tells So-Ra he is interested in buying a patent that So-Ra owns related to dying chemicals organically. They go to the cafe where they usually go. There, Joon-Soo asks to talk about the past, mentioning a misunderstanding. So-Ra tells him that she doesn't want to talk about that. When So-Ra is about to leave, Joon-Soo grabs her arm.

    The past incident that So-Ra doesn't want to talk about took place when Joon-Soo and So-Ra were running and it started to rain. They went to a motel room. They both sat on the bed and, out of the blue, So-Ra kissed Joon-Soo's cheek. After that, So-Ra went into the bathroom to take a shower. When she came out of the bathroom she discovers that Joon-Soo has left. So-Ra looks out of the motel window and sees Joon-Soo running away. He turns around and yells to So-Ra that he doesn't want to have sex with her.

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