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Story about《The / 雪豹全》
    2010 Year Chinese TV < The / 雪豹全 >
    Director: /
    Stars:whole article in Snow Leopard / Tao Fei Fei / Zhu Jie / of Pantai name the /

    article appeared in the "Snow Leopard" actor Zhou Weiguo was originally a cynical rich kids , but there is no lack of blood, when the war in order to protect the first girlfriend , held shot of a Japanese , and thus embarked on a revolutionary road to change the name to the German Military Academy from the KMT Central Military Academy , and then return home to create China 's first special operations forces ... become a real legendary hero.
    Tao Fei Fei and articles in the play as a pair of revolutionary couple . The story recounts a graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy to rich kids Zhou Weiguo , national peril , He is willing to give up fame and fortune , to endure hardships , created the first team to perform special operations ground task forces Tao Fei Fei played the young women to anti-Japanese Chen Yi , she played to female student Chen Yi is a road of the revolution gradually grew up to outstanding young impassioned blood students , mature revolutionary fighters , and even in the tasks to time , but also play the character is bold and unrestrained socialite , playing into the enemy access to information, so that Chen Yi as this role has become very complex , and full of mystery .

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