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Story about《Concept months Arisa ghost married diary 2 / 鬼嫁日记2》
    2007 Year Japan and Korean TV < Concept months Arisa ghost married diary 2 / 鬼嫁日记2 >
    Director: /
    Stars: / according to housing / Kato tea /
    Storyline: Yamazaki a horse in order to inherit the family business, quit his job and returned home with his wife Sanae and her daughter , took over the ancestral baths . Has always been stubbornly soft-hearted evil wife Sanae , originally just wanted to do a full-time housewives pampered , but because of the stand most of the affairs of the decision to intervene in the management baths . The husband and wife operate the baths, many of whom are a lot of the jokes full of interesting . Sanae no experience in the management of Hammam / tv/dalu/17445 / "> black fox always get a mess husband a horse on the one hand for his wife to clean up the mess the other hand, continue to the online log to vent bad wife torture of all kinds of bitterness and dissatisfaction . Sanae with a horse on the quarrelsome lovers staged scenes of pep, and relaxing in the bath scene .
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