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Story about《Tomie anrimiteddo / Tomie Unlimited / 富江 アンリミテッド / 富江无限制 / 无限富江》
    2011 Year Horror movie < Tomie anrimiteddo / Tomie Unlimited / 富江 アンリミテッド / 富江无限制 / 无限富江 >
    Director:Noboru Iguchi /
    Stars:Miu Nakamura / Maiko Kawakami / Moe Arai / Kenuke Ohwada / Masaki Nishimura / Kôichi Ôhori / Aika Ohta /

    Tomie Unlimited (富江 アンリミテッド, Tomie anrimiteddo) is a 2011 Japanese horror film directed by Noboru Iguchi.[1][2][3] This film is the ninth installment of the Tomie series.

    Tsukiko, a shy and reserved young girl, develops a passion for photography, impulsively taking snaps of everything that grabs her attention. One day, as she is taking pictures of her beautiful sister Tomie, equally popular at school and at home, tragedy occurs. A metal rod falls from above and impales Tomie, killing her instantly before Tsukiko’s panicked eyes. A year later, her grief barely allowing place for anything else, Tsukiko is offered the job of photographer for her school newspaper by no other than Toshio, her deceased sister’s boyfriend, whom Tsukiko has always had a crush on. Additionally, on the day of Tomie’s anniversary, the doorbell rings and there she is, back from the dead, even briefly evoking her own death! Her parents are excited by her return, but something isn’t quite right… Tsukiko becomes the scapegoat of her father’s violent outbursts, which Tomie encourages and helps take to extremes. She is definitely not the loveable young girl she used to be. After a few quarrels, the saddened father even commits the unthinkable. Propelled by a sudden rage he can’t explain, he stabs Tomie and cuts her to pieces. The next day, as if nothing happened, Tsukiko goes back to school, but there, she is given yet further reason to question her sanity: a new classmate, who looks exactly like her sister, has just arrived. To make matters worse, she flirts with Toshio and seems determined to turn Tsukiko’s existence into a hellish experience.

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