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Story about《The Nancheng police matter in the fourth quarter / 南城警事 第四季》
    2012 Year European American TV < The Nancheng police matter in the fourth quarter / 南城警事 第四季 >
    Director: /
    Stars:crime drama starring Ben / McKenzie / Lucy / Liu /
    Storyline: This film, three Emmy Award-winning actor John Wells, Ann Biderman and Chris Chulack jointly with a unique perspective about the Los Angeles Police Department , police Story . From the beautiful scenery of Malibu (Malibu) Beach , to the intricacies of East Los Angeles street , everywhere active in their presence - they want to fight with the criminals , to deal with the victim , but also to seek understanding and support of family . Michael Cudlitz ("A River Runs Through It") play an experienced senior police officers John Cooper , was ordered to the guidance of the Police Force rookie Ben Sherman (Benjamin McKenzie, " The OC ") . Cooper loyal, serious , pragmatic , things must seek the results of the work attitude , impetuous Sherman wondered if a qualified police . The woman detective Lydia Adams ( in Regina King, "Ray , " "Jerry Maguire ") lives with his mother to take care of the mother is her primary task . Her partner that Russell Clarke ( Tom Everett, Scott, " Boiler Room ") is an unhappily married man , the family also reared three children . Daniel " Sal " Salinger, police detective ( Michael McGrady, " The Thin Red Line ") is the group leader of the criminal detective , Nate, the Moretta detectives (Kevin Alejandro , " Drive, " " Ugly Betty " ) and Sammy Bryant, (Shawn Hatosy " Alpha Dog " ) the detectives follow his command . Patrol Chickie Brown ( Arija Bareikis , Crossing, Jordan ") is a single mother , dreaming of one day to become the first female member of the Special Weapons and Tactics Force ( SWAT ) .
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