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Story about《Exciting / 扣人心弦》
    2010 Year Action movie < Exciting / 扣人心弦 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Weidong / lofty / Shen Chang /
    Storyline: Zhang Ming Interpol brigade captain. Time to perform a task, Zhang Ming met a clothes business Shu Xin. Is this dramatic time we met, doomed Ming Zhang Shu Xin's fate. In the next few encounters, Zhang Ming and Shu Xin, only to find their son Bingbing and stuff in the same class the most important thing or a good friend. Several encounters, Zhang Ming and Shu Xin's heart in his favor. Coincidentally, the first arrest criminal suspects, Cao Kun, with the help of Shu Xin, Cao Kun was finally arrested. To this end, the Force also specifically sent to Shu Xin silk banner.
    With this experience, contact Ming Zhang Shu Xin more gradually up the feelings of two people is gradually deepened. But not long ago something happened and let Zhang Ming in the way of the pursuit of Shu Xin hesitated. One night, Zhang Ming and son Bingbing inadvertently saw a man kneeling in the Shu Xin Xin Shu door before, begged hard. To this end, the chapter began to doubt the relationship between two people. The relationship has just begun, this suspicion seems to have restored the calm of the past.
    Day, Shu Xin panic to find the police, the report said that the son of stuff had been kidnapped, the kidnappers demanded Fangchuhualai one million yuan only client was incensed. Shu Xin insisted that this matter is Liu Jun, Liu dry their own ex-husband. In the past few years, due to Liu Jun idle, do not mistake the industry, Shu Xin with a son left to Liu Jun, Liu Jun is always bursts entangled Shu Xin money. Listen to Shu Xin reflect the combination of the incident was the actual, Zhang Ming ruled out the possibility of Liu Jun crime.
    At this point, a situation of Wang Hui mouth from the East aunt that merits to clear up. Called the Korea six suspects in the police force within sight. Korea the sixth member of a group of crime Cao Kun. Shu Xin think that is because they assist in the arrest Cao Kun makes Korea a small six unwise move. While the merits of some progress, the stuff back. The original in order to protect the stuff, Bingbing kidnappers Jiazou. That his son Bingbing kidnapping, Zhang Ming Zheng Zhu, but also proud of his son's move.
    In strict police force dispatched in the redemption Bingbing action began. When the merits of truth to the surface, the real criminal suspects turned out beyond everyone's expectations. It turned out that plotted to kidnap Bingbing is a good sister, Hui Wang Shu Xin to get along for many years. A few years ago, Shu Xin battles from Sichuan to Beijing the first to defect to Wang Hui, Shu Xin began to achieve career success with their own efforts, boyfriend Liu Jun Wang Hui previous turn with the Shu Xin. These things to Wang Hui has a grudge, and then planning this retaliatory kidnapping. Withstand such a blow of Shu Xin, heartbroken, a collapsed in Chapter cries.
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