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Story about《Office of the eighth season / 办公室第八季》
    2011 Year European American TV < Office of the eighth season / 办公室第八季 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Jenna / Fischer / John / Krasinski / the BJ / Novak /
    Storyline:office is one about the Scranton branch of Dunder - Mifflin, paper products company personnel records of their daily life in the form of programs. Their efforts to compete with the large supermarket chains and modern technology . They deny everything - whether it is the possibility of reducing the scale of operation or their negligible . But at least up to now for this small town Scranton branch is still attractive enough , it still survive .
    Their leader is the regional manager Michael Scott: an arrogant and conceited clumsy clueless boss . He has all things inappropriate comments. He seems to think he is the coolest guy in the office , but his passion is undeniable . His receptionist Pam Beesly is bound by very friendly people . In addition to her take the time to cover up Michael's incompetence , with the sales representative , Jim Halpert - wit - with a joke . The object of their jokes usually , Dwight Schrute , the sales representative stupid gullible , but it is also Michael's right-hand man . Ranks temporary employee Ryan Howard , a smart business graduates. He tried to Dunder - Mifflin, paper products company into the 21st century , but Michael always try to use the old method to resolve the matter .
    Office of the rest of the staff is also very vivid and very personal . Each of their actions and thoughts are with the form of a documentary shown . Daily events and a series of short interview , to show the stark reality of the American workplace .
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