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Story about《Gem pet the SunShine third quarter / 宝石宠物SunShine第三季》
    2011 Year cartoon movie < Gem pet the SunShine third quarter / 宝石宠物SunShine第三季 >
    Director: /
    Stars: /
    Storyline: gem mainland gem pets to and from the school "Sunshine Academy" together to learn from the human world to the students and a variety of other guy boarding schools . The gem pets to and from the three-year plum group , commonly known as the crane tail groups , students and teachers are incredible! But the energetic Ruby and partners happily through each day . But always making trouble roommate appoggiatura is always only quarrel . Everyone's goal in the sun academy graduation ... but can not quite understand the dreams for the future . What, than they are exposed can not be able to be found before graduation own dreams ? Has been set between the magic girl with the magic pet girl to the selling point of the animation , although in January the new Fan a " magical girl small round completely broken the laws of this whole story to the edge of suspense , but gem pets " series of works will inevitably continue to follow the lovely , fresh , for the purpose of the object of the little girl .
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